Maxxtec Thermal Oil Process Heating Plants


The product that made our brand world-renowned in the 2000s is our thermal oil heater. To this day the development of solutions for industrial process heating, the design of adequate thermal oil heaters and the service of thermal oil systems is still one of our key competencies.

Up until 2018, all our thermal oil heaters were manufactured in Germany. However, in 2018, we implemented our manufacturing knowledge here in Indonesia to produce our first thermal oil heater in our workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. This thermal oil heater was exported to Pakistan and is in operation ever since. Especially with good maintenance and installation, our thermal oil heater durability is up to 20 years!

Over the past years, we have continued with the manufacturing of thermal oil heaters in Germany and Indonesia. As we speak, one of our thermal oil heaters is being shipped from Germany to Russia, while another one is waiting for shipment from Indonesia to Singapore. Specifically, the latter is a skid-installed unit preassembled with a burner system and gas train, a combustion air preheater, combustion air blower and a side-stream basket strainer.

Thermal Oil Process Heaters Skid Installed

Applications for our Thermal Oil Heaters

Our thermal oil heaters operate with electricity as well as solid, liquid and gaseous fuels with capacities of 50kW up to 30 MW. The fuels can be utilized either in single- or multi-fuel burners, even simultaneous combustion of different fuels is optionally available. Moreover, we design our heaters for the best suitable heat transfer fluid, which can be mineral oil, food-grade oil, synthetic mediums and more.

While the aforementioned heaters are used in a chemical company and a plywood manufacturer, we supply thermal oil heaters to tapioca starch factories, palm oil refineries, textile and synthetic fibre producers, manufacturers of plastic foil, printing and packaging materials, food processing companies, civil materials producer, automotive- and aerospace industries and many other applications.

Energy efficiency is our focus for all of these activities. For example, the upgrading of existing plants with combustion air preheaters can increase the energy efficiency easily by 10% and therefore save a lot of fuel which pay’s back the investment in a short time and after that offers significantly reduced operation cost.


How can we support you?

If you operate a thermal oil system and wish to have it inspected to locate safety hazards and possibilities for optimization? Let us help you improve your plant! Feel free to contact us.

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PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

ITC Permata Hijau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16,
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama,
12210 Jakarta Selatan

Telephone: +62-21-53670749

Service: +62-812-82506215


PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

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