Pump monitoring Maxxtec
Basically, pumps consist of mechanical, rotating components, bearings and mechanical seals. Furthermore, they are disposed to very high medium temperatures. This is why pumps are more subject to wear and tear than other equipment and therefore require a professional and regular maintenance. Sealless pumps have additional power requirements, have a very complex construction and are much more expensive. This is why these pumps are not used very often.


  • Identification of defective sealings and damages caused by storage in good time
  • Automatic pump circuit using SPC
  • Solid measurement technique using temperature sensor, vibration pick-up and float switch
  •  Simple installation and wiring
  • Retrofittable for almost all pump types HPS – Steam boiler

Available sensors for the control of:

  • Bearing temperature Control of wear and tear of the ball-bearing in the bearing bracket
  • Leakages Control of the mechanical seal in the bearing bracket
  • Differential pressure control of the filters
  • Vibration control, control of wear and tear of coupling, alignment of coupling and stresses in the piping system
  • Motor temperature* control of the admissible temperatures in the windings
  • Motor power consumption control of the electric motor windings- or bearing damages

*Only for motors with corresponding equipment


PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

ITC Permata Hijau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16,
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama,
12210 Jakarta Selatan

Telephone: +62-21-53670749

Service: +62-812-82506215

Email: teknologi@maxxtec.co.id

PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

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