We perform all required maintenance and service for heat transfer systems.

Depending on the availability and qualification of our staff, we offer maintenance contracts in modular form. You can determine the extent of the services up to the full-service agreement. Which includes all spare and wear parts.

Further services, like boiler cleaning, inspections, analysis of the production equipment, superimposing of the surface area by flame spraying, or wall thickness measurements and pressure tests, are professionally and reliably completed by us.

Also, we offer ultrasonic flow measurement for liquids with our high-quality Flexim measurement tools from Germany.

PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia - Plant Service
  • Modular maintenance contracts; you can freely choose scope and frequency
  • Planning and execution of extensive revisions
  • Boiler cleaning, pressure tests, wall thickness measurements and heating surface coatin

Latest systems for a remote monitoring of your plant reduces time and effort on-site maintenance. In case of special operating conditions or errors, we can analyse the state of the plant and define appropriate measures for remedy, together with your staff on site.


To contact our service department you can call from Monday to Friday, from 8PM to 6PM under Tel. +62-812-82506215 or click the button below.

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PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

ITC Permata Hijau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16,
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama,
12210 Jakarta Selatan

Telephone: +62-21-53670749

Service: +62-812-82506215

Email: teknologi@maxxtec.co.id

PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

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