A 3D Model of a thermal oil heater inside a container building

Heating Equipment for Your Factory: What Your Supplier Needs To Know


Looking for heating equipment for your factory but unsure what information you need to provide? You’re not alone! Here’s a quick guide to help you ask for the right details. Read more….
PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

Have you ever been to Tegal in Indonesia?


Tegal is a city a few hours outside of Jakarta where our manufacturing facility is based. Here we manufacture high-quality heat exchangers, thermal oil heaters, tanks, steel structures, and piping systems. Read more…
PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

The Key to Savings and Efficiency: Optimizing Thermal Oil Management 💰


Welcome to the Future of Plant Efficiency and Savings! Say goodbye to constant heat carrier oil changes and hello to a new era of cost efficiency. Discover the magic of meticulous oil maintenance and smart sampling protocols unlocking massive savings and extending equipment lifetimes. Read more…
PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

How To Repair A Leakage In A Pipe Coil In Six Steps


Repairing a leakage in a pipe coil of a thermal oil heater can be tricky. The leakage may not be accessible. Here is how you can still fix it. Read more…
PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

Equivalent Materials for Different Steel Products According to DIN/EN and ASTM/ASME


Manufacturing internationally can be difficult. Not only the language barrier can cause confusion. Also, common material standards often vary from country to country. While it is still possible to produce the same quality with materials following a different standard it is still necessary to use the right equivalent materials. This week on the Maxxtec Blog we give you a quick overview of steel materials and their equivalents between ASME and DIN. Read more…


Maxxtec Thermal Oil Process Heating Plants


The product that made our brand world-renowned in the 2000s is our Thermal Oil Heater. To this day the development of solutions for industrial process heating, the design of adequate Thermal Oil Heaters and the service of thermal oil systems is still one of our key competences. Up until 2018 all our thermal oil heaters were manufactured in Germany. In 2018, we implemented our manufacturing knowledge here in Indonesia to produce Read more…

Maxxtec - hot solutions for high demands

Heat Recovery with Steam


Dear Reader,

As you may remember, our current series of articles revolves around the topic of heat recovery. In previous issues we have described the

different conditions for heat recovery with water and with organic heat transfer fluids (the so-called “thermal oil”), which is designed to

transport extreme temperatures in a liquid state and without pressure. Read more…

Micocal Heat Transfer Fluids

Thermal Oil Heat Recovery Plants


Dear Reader,

As we have already learnt in our last technical info, water has excellent properties as a heat transfer medium.

Unfortunately, these advantages can only be used in a relatively small temperature range.

A common alternative for high- but also low temperatures are “Organic Heat Carrier Fluids”, the so-called “Thermal Oils”. The Maxxtec Blog Read more…


Thermal Oil Heater - PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

Hot Water- and Thermal Oil Heat Recovery Plants


Dear Reader,

Waste heat recovery is not only done with a heat exchanger. Having an efficient heat recovery system requires looking into heat transfer fluids, design parameters, instrumentation and piping. Considering these aspects can give you the decisive advantage for profitabilty, durability and safety. Read more…

Heat Exchanger MTI

Heat Exchangers for Heat Recovery Systems


Dear Reader,

With our last newsletter, we explained how to save a lot of money by using a heat recovery system. Today we would like to give you more detailed information, which types of heat exchangers are commonly used. Depending on the required heat output, media used, temperatures and respective framework conditions, we have developed a few different types of heat exchangers. Read more…

Heat Recovery – or how to afford yourself a new Mercedes every year

Heat Recovery – or how to afford yourself a new Mercedes every year


Dear Reader,

Who would not like to know how it would be possible to afford a new Mercedes every year, solely through the savings by a heat recovery system?

In other words, you can also call it “reduced production costs”. This increases the cost efficiency of your production and thus increases the competitiveness of your products. In addition, recovering waste heat can also generate significant cost savings, help saving fossil energy and therefore protect the environment for our children.

The Maxxtec blog. Read more…

Innovative Bypass Filter Station - MTI

Innovative Bypass Filter Station


The retrofittable “Cleanmaxx” system removes reliably and continuously solid high boiling particles and other solid impurities from the heat-transfer circuit. An electronic control system with traffic light display optimizes the cleaning process of the filter. By programmable flow and flow breaks in conjunction with generously sized sedimentation space the operation periodes Read more…

MAXXTEC Honored with Industriepreis – Best of 2016: Energy & Environment

MAXXTEC Honored with Industriepreis – Best of 2016: Energy & Environment


Once a year the Huber Verlag für neue Medien GmbH honours with the Industry Award INDUSTRIEPREIS extraordinary advanced industrial products with a high economic, social, environmental and technological benefit. Read more…


Maintenance & Verification Of Heat Transfer System


SPECIAL OFFER FOR SAFETY IN THERMAL OIL SYSTEMS  With our service concept we support operators of heat transfer systems in meeting their occupational health and safety obligations. In addition, this special action is to ensure the economic and reliable continuous operation of their investment. The Maxxtec blog Read more…

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PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

ITC Permata Hijau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16,
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama,
12210 Jakarta Selatan

Telephone: +62-21-53670749

Service: +62-812-82506215

Email: teknologi@maxxtec.co.id

PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

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