Manufacturing in Indonesia – Have you ever been to Tegal?


Tegal – a city only four hours outside of Jakarta, is home to our manufacturing facility.

Here we manufacture high-quality heat exchangers, thermal oil heaters, tanks, steel structures, and piping systems.

A photo taken in Tegal Indonesia of the building in which PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia manufacturers their goods.

Come visit us

We are trying to be very transparent. We welcome our clients to visit our facility to see the manufacturing process or to inspect the quality of the goods.

Our sales-, engineering- and design departments are based in our Jakarta office. Many of our customers have offices here which makes communication this much easier. We often have in person meetings to quickly adapt to specific client requirements or clarify questions.

Why Indonesia?

By manufacturing in Indonesia, we can significantly cut down on delivery times for our Southeast Asian clients. And we can be at any construction site in the area within a day.

Choosing Indonesia as our base allows us to offer our clients in Southeast Asia superior products with efficient delivery and excellent customer service.

A photo inside Maxxtec's manufacturing facility of steel tanks of different sizes ready for painting.

Get in touch today to learn more about our operations and our commitment to excellence.

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PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

ITC Permata Hijau, Lantai 3 C11 No. 16,
Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama,
12210 Jakarta Selatan

Telephone: +62-21-53670749

Service: +62-812-82506215


PT Maxxtec Teknologi Indonesia

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